Version 21.0.0 |
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Note: The Item reference numbers in the document are from the BluJay Solutions Control Tower issue tracking system and are intended for use by BluJay Solutions Support.
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KCT-16743 |
Custom Report Enhanced UI
What was Existing: When user generated a custom report, [DOWNLOAD] and [SEND EMAIL] buttons used to display beneath the report results.
What’s New: The report page now contains two tabs. One tab shows the Report Data and the other tab shows Download (or) Send Report options.
Download (or) Send Report screen: User can select the format from the available list and can either download or send the report results.
When no results are fetched, the no results message would be shown in middle of the report screen with report columns display.
While generating report, if any issue occurs, an error message will be displayed as below:
New System Parameter ‘Report_Data_Delimiter’ is added. Delimiter is a separator used to differentiate multiple data within a report column. Default value is,(Comma). Accepted values are ~(Tilt), @(At), #(Hash), $(Dollar), ,(Comma), ;(Semicolon), \(Back slash), /(Forward slash), -(Hyphen ), _(Underscore) and :(Colon). If any other value is provided other than the above-mentioned values, it will be considered as Comma by default. Note: 1.The set value will reflect on below operations. a.Custom Report results UI b.Scheduled Reports 2.Information Icon for linked milestones has been now removed. In old UI results in report results, every record used to display information icon, which when clicked used to display the list of linked milestones against the shipment, if any. However, this information is not part of any reports download file.
KCT-16444 |
Time Zone Change: Added New fields to Record Milestone Date & Time As Entered
What was Existing: Control Tower used to convert milestone date and time to the user’s time zone when a user defined report was generated.
What’s New: The below fields have been added in the database to record milestone date and time as entered without conversion. •localesttime •dlocalacttime •dlocalinitialtime
Summary: Earlier, when a status was imported or manually added, the Actual / Estimated date and time would be converted to GMT 00:00 and saved in the database.
When a report was configured with milestone date & time columns, then the time zone would be recalculated as per the user’s time zone preference on the generated report screen. To eliminate the re calculation while generating the report, the status date and time that is added manually or imported is now saved in both existing and new database fields as mentioned below for Initial, Estimated & Actual Date & time respectively.
The queries in the field setup are configured to retrieve the date values from the new fields while generating any report. When a custom report is generated, the existing fields (DINITIALTIME, DESTIMATEDTIME and DACTUALTIME) fetch values with user time zone conversion, whereas the new fields (DLOCALINITIALTIME, DLOCALESTTIME and DLOCALACTTIME) fetch values from the database as is without conversion.
This new enhancement is applicable to milestones that are added or imported against new TO's, PO's, CO's only.
Affected Modules/Areas: •User Defined Reports •TRACK & TRACE screen •Field setup > Allow on custom report •Milestone add/update (manually or through response button) •Multi shipment milestone update •Milestone auto update by system •System milestone and Entity milestone add/update •Status XML Import add/update
KCT-16450 |
Functional Enhancement to Send Documents in Email Alert
What was Existing: Based on the tolerance setting and the configuration of Notification layout and Attach Documents and Attach Fileshare Files options, the system would wait till the tolerance time given for documents/files to get attached and triggers the email alert. •If Yes was selected for Attach Documents and Attach Fileshare Files options, then all the available fileshare files and documents would be attached / embedded as a link (all available documents of a T.O / P.O / C.O) in the email alert. •If No was selected for Attach Documents and Attach Fileshare Files options, then no documents/files would be sent in the email alert (even though the documents were available on orders).
What’s New: Enhanced the Control Tower functionality to restrict the documents sent in an email alert based on the selection of documents and files shared with user. Alert Documents and Alert Fileshare quicklinks of Alert Profile have been renamed to Required Documents and Required Fileshare
Summary: The NOTIFICATION LAYOUT screen has been enhanced with options to select the documents to be shared in the email alert.
When Yes is selected for Attach Documents or Attach Fileshare Files options:
•A drop-down option against the respective options will be enabled to choose the documents/fileshare files to be sent in the email alert from the list of available documents/fileshare files. •When particular documents/fileshare files from the drop-down lists are selected, only those documents/fileshare files will be sent in the email alert as attachment or document link. •When ALL Docs option or nothing is selected from the drop-down list against the Attach Documents option, then all the available documents against P.O/T.O/C.O are sent in the email alert. •When ALL Docs option is selected from the drop-down list of Attach Documents option and few files are selected from the drop-down list of Attach Fileshare Files option, the system will send all the available documents and only the selected fileshare files (if available) in the email alert.
When No is selected for Attach Documents or Attach Fileshare Files options: •The drop-down option against the respective options will be disabled. •No documents/fileshare files will be sent in the email alert.
Alert Profile Configuration
If an Alert Profile is configured with Required Document(s) or Required Fileshare file(s), then the system will trigger an alert based on the availability of documents and the tolerance set. •If documents are attached way before the tolerance time set, then the system will trigger an email as soon as the documents are inserted without waiting for specified timeline. •If documents are not available by the specified tolerance time, the system ignores the alert.
If an Alert Profile is configured without any document(s) or fileshare file(s), the alert will be triggered based on the specified alert tolerance. Documents and fileshare files attached in the email alert is totally based on the notification layout configuration.
System behaviour based on the Tolerance setting on Alert Profile and Alert Profile Item screens:
If Alert Profile and Alert Profile Items are configured without Required Documents/Required Fileshare files and with alert tolerances (profile & profile item level), then: 1.For Occurred and Changed alerts, both alert profile & alert profile item tolerances are not considered to trigger alert. 2.For Not Occurred alert, both alert profile and alert profile item(s) tolerances are considered to trigger alert.
If Alert Profile and Alert Profile Items are configured with Required Documents/Required Fileshare files and alert tolerance as well, then: 1.For Occurred and Changed alerts, the system triggers the alert as soon as the documents & fileshare files are available. If the documents/files are not received within specified time limit, then the alert is ignored. Even in this case, only alert profile tolerance is considered. (The alert profile item tolerance is ignored.)
2.For Not Occurred alerts, the system triggers the alert as soon as the documents and fileshare files are available. In this case, both the alert profile & profile item tolerances are considered. If documents are not received within specified time limit, the alert will be ignored. |
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KCT-16716 |
Removed Database Changes Menu Option The Database Data Manipulation menu option Data Changes (System Support > Database > Data Changes) has been removed for Admin access here on. |
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KCT-16755 |
Issue: When field alerts were configured for certain fields of TO module, field changed alerts were being triggered for every shipment import action irrespective of the field value change.
Solution: Entity Field Alerts are configured for the below list of fields: •BUID •Request ETA •Request ETD •DDate1 •DDate2 •DDate3 Here on, as per field alert configuration, field changed alerts will trigger only when the shipment import contains changed field value. Even, manual change of the field values via application login will trigger field changed alerts. |
KCT-16801 |
Issue: Email Ids with spaces were not being exported as part of DemandTO system function.
Solution: Whenever additional spaces are found in the received Email addresses, the spaces are trimmed and saved. Now DemandTO XML exports the email id tag value without any issue. |