Version 21.0.2 |
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Note: The Item reference numbers in the document are from the BluJay Solutions Control Tower issue tracking system and are intended for use by BluJay Solutions Support.
Item Ref. |
Summary |
KCT-16997 |
Ability to Define BCC & CC Email IDs in Email Alert Profile Item
What’s Existing: When an email alert was triggered by Control Tower, To Email ID would be picked based on the Alert Profile Item configuration and CC Email ID from the system parameter which was default to all email alerts triggered by the system.
What’s New: Alert Profile Item screen has been enhanced by including CC and BCC recipient fields. The Admin users can now configure the CC and BCC recipients for every alert profile item.
Summary: CC and BCC drop-down and text fields have been added to the Alert Profile Item screen. The fields are non-mandatory and will be enabled only when Email is selected as Alert Type. The existing Recipient Type and Recipient Detail fields have been renamed as To drop-down field and text field respectively. On the Alert Profile Item screen, To, CC and BCC drop-down fields are listed under Recipient Type and the text fields to enter the respective recipient details are listed under Recipient Detail.
The To, CC and BCC recipient detail text fields will be enabled only when the recipient type is selected in the respective drop-down field, and they do not allow more that 1000 characters. This enhancement is applicable to all alert types, i.e., Occurred, Changed and Not Occurred alerts.
Changes to the Database Table The following 4 fields are newly added to tblalertprofileitem:
Data entered in the To field is stored in the existing SRECIPIENTTYPE and SRECIPIENTDETAIL fields.
While triggering an email alert, the system considers both Recipient Type and Notification Layout (External/Internal) configuration. If any of the configurations is not properly set, the alert will not be triggered. •When Notification Layout is configured for To recipient type, the same is applicable for CC and BCC recipients as well. •The content of the email alert for CC and BCC recipients would be same as that of To recipient. •If any of the email recipients (To, CC and BCC) has invalid email ID, an email will be triggered stating the same to the respective support email ID. Conditions for triggering which type of alert: •Occurred Alert - Triggers when milestone actuals are updated or modified. •Changed Alert- Triggers when milestone (actuals should be blank) or header field is modified. •Not Occurred Alert - Triggers when milestone estimates exceed, and actuals are blank. In the above three cases, if CC and BCC recipients are configured, then all the recipients receive the same alert. |
Item Ref. |
Summary |
KCT-17019 |
Issue: While creating a T.O. based on a template, the item details were not properly copied from the template to the new T.O.
Solution: The issue is resolved. Now, the item details are being properly updated in the new T.O. as per the template. |
KCT-17043 |
Issue: Few additional encodes and decodes for handling the special character ‘apostrophe’ in shipment Parties at UI level were not properly handled. This was causing misbehavior of the expected values.
Solution: The issue of saving and retrieval of Apostrophe character in shipment Parties subframes is now addressed.
Issue: While switching user, the users were found duplicated in the proxy access due to multiple clicks of [Save] button on Organization Structure screen.
Solution: Multiple clicks of [Save] button on Organization Structure screen is controlled with loader element, thus resisting the duplicates in Switch user proxy pop-up. |